Donderdagavond 8 juli vond in Dolores, Ellen de Bruine Projects, een minisymposium plaats dat georganiseerd werd door Rune Peitersen. De aanleiding is zijn show ( 3 juli-24 juli 2010) Saccadic Sightings: Einstein & Bohr met nieuw werk dat deel uitmaakt van het omvattender project Saccadic Sightings waarmee hij in 2008 startte.,
De publieke discussie werd gevoerd door Robert Zwijnenberg (Prof. Art history, University of Leiden and founding Director of The Arts & Genomics Centre), André Klukhuhn (scientist and philosopher), Saskia Monshouwer (curator and anthropologist), Mariska van den Berg (curator SKOR), Voebe de Gruyter (artist), Huib Haye van der Werf (curator NAi), Anne Kienhuis (postdoc researcher at RIVM), Tamuna Chabashvili and Adi Hollander (artists, Laura Schuster (phd student UvA, Imagined Futures research group) and others. Sprekers waren:
André Klukhuhn
The joint evolution of consciousness and space“(…) concerning the construction of the world by our consciousness. The people of antiquity, the middle ages, and of the renaissance experienced the world differently from us.” According to Klukhuhn, our (developing) consciousness and our experience of space and time are closely connected (Kant supplemented by Darwin).
Saskia Monshouwer
Saskia Monshouwer will present her recent essay Kunst, context, wetenschap. Mogelijke consequenties van het denken (over zien) (Art, context, science. (Over looking) the possible consequences for thinking) , written for the occasion. During this evening’s discussion Monshouwer will examine the following position: Due to the relation between both society and the public, art is able to mediate between science and society, and possibly destabilize an accepted worldview.
Rune Peitersen
Contact – Art as the Outer Limits of the Universe – what is the function of art? Is art capable of shaping our idea about reality? And does it function as a precursor to the construction of reality?
Robert Zwijnenberg
Robert Zwijnenberg brings together art, humanities en science so that they may learn from each other. According to Zwijnenberg, this interaction can produce new forms of art as well as new theories and methodologies. This evening he will reflect upon the role of science within the artistic domain: What sort of transformations are possible?